The increasing usage of the phrase “Netflix and chill” indicates Netflix’s rising status as a household term. Netflix is a recognizable trademark of the college student’s free time, but its universality does not express the number of individuals who share accounts with one or more holders. Many students opt for the cheaper option of sharing; Netflix has kindly accommodated this trend by allowing as many as five individual profiles per account.
Sophomore Rebecca Sparks does not own a personal account, although she ranks her Netflix obsession at a seven out of 10.
“Technically it’s my brother’s Netflix account,” Sparks said. “He owns it but my parents pay for it and I use it.”
Likewise, sophomore Mike Sandmeyer does not own a personal Netflix account.
“When I do [watch Netflix], it’s through my boyfriend’s account,” Sandmeyer said.
Netflix fans have had to pursue other activities with their time when Northwestern’s internet has failed. In his free time, Sandmeyer maintains other habits.
“I do my homework and compose music,” Sandmeyer said.
Junior Chelsea Weidner rates her Netflix obsession at a three out of 10. Weidner stays involved with other activities when the Wi-Fi abdicates.
“[I do] homework, read, nap and bake,” Weidner said.
Some students have a strong dependency on the site.
“I cry,” Sparks said. “When the Internet’s out, you can’t do anything. There’s no substitute for Netflix. You just cry.”
Sophomore Natalie Kuipers rates her Netflix obsession at a six to seven out of 10.
“There is no substitute for Netflix, other than books,” Kuipers said. “I mean, [there is] YouTube, but then the Internet is out.”
Kuipers provides valuable advice for other students whose lack of Internet disables Netflix: “Do homework, read books, be productive in life.”
Netflix has also been hinting at increasing the monthly rate.
“I’d be a little annoyed, but I’d probably still keep paying,” Kuipers said.
Despite inconsistent campus Internet access and limited access to Netflix, it faces no immediate demise among NW students. Even if monthly rates increase, Netflix will remain a staple for many students on down time.