NW students have an opportunity to share love with someone far away this Valentine’s Day. The Hunger Homeless Ministry is collecting personal hygiene products and school supplies in support of Operation Caring Hands.
Operation Caring Hands is a “ministry that soldiers are doing in Iraq, taking supplies to children that have been affected by the war there,” said Hunger Homeless coordinator Erin Peters. According to Peters, NW’s own Bridget Vander Vinne is one of many American soldiers that deliver these supplies to children there.
The Hunger Homeless decided to participate in Operation Caring Hands partially to support Vander Vinne, remembering that she is one of our community and is still connected. Plus, “it is a good reminder that there are hungry and homeless far away,”said Peters.
“The war is somewhat forgotten here, yet we can still have quite an impact. There’s something we can still do even though we feel far away and disconnected,” said Peters.
Hunger Homeless Ministries will be collecting personal hygiene items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, deodorant and school supplies: pencils, pens, crayons, markers, notebooks, scissors, construction paper and glue.
Students can leave their donations in boxes at both ends of The Center For Spiritual Formation and Vocation until Feb. 13.