On Feb. 18, Northwestern College hosted its fourth annual AllNDay of giving. Each year since 2018, AllNDay has existed as a designated day to encourage alumni and friends of the college to be “all in” donating to the Northwestern Fund. This fund is used to invest in scholarships, programs, experiences and support services.
In past years, this fund has enabled tuition for each student to be lowered by $1,000 because of the gifts given. AllNDay has been very successful and has made a huge impact over the years.
An impressive $175,000 was raised in 2020, but that didn’t stop Raiders from setting ambitious fundraising goals for this year. They wanted to match the previous year’s numbers at the very least.
This year’s AllNDay of giving event surpassed all expectations. Over $220,00 was raised for the Northwestern Fund. In addition to the dollar amount, this year saw a 26% increase in the amount given, alongside an increase of 10% in participation.
The goal of raising $175,000 was completed in part by donors generously offering to match the contributions of others. These matching gifts summed up to $100,000, effectively doubling the gifts given on AllNDay.
The theme for this year’s AllNDay was Eras of Excellence. In keeping with this theme, a competition was hosted where people from different eras competed to see who could have the most participation within this event. When placing a donation, supporters could designate which era they are from. Among those who participated, the group with the strongest showing received a gift card to the campus bookstore. The 2000s dominated the competition, boasting an impressive showing of 162 donors.
The alumni office filmed a Facebook livestream emphasizing this theme. They virtually took viewers on a campus tour and filmed a series of interviews where they visited different places on campus and took viewers on a journey through the decades to showcase pieces of NW’s history and reminisce about favorite memories.
One way this day was promoted was through NW Phonathon callers. The calling program is a fun way to update people with connections to NW, to inform people about the college and to promote the AllNDay of giving. They made over 2,000 calls in the weeks leading up to AllNDay in order to provide information about this event and the Northwestern Fund.
Student Phonathon callers work throughout both semesters in order to inform people about their NW experience and relate to alumni’s past NW experience. Phonathon is a great way to meet alumni, parents and friends of NW. They then receive donations to help benefit the students, as the gifts given throughout the year go toward the Northwestern Fund.
Overall, AllNDay is a successful fundraiser that allows tuition to be lowered, helps provide students with opportunities and is a day that students can show their love for NW. The 2021 AllNDay was a success as goals were exceeded and love for NW was shown.