Playing soccer has helped shape Karnish’s life in many ways. His faith has had an impact on his sportsmanship, just as soccer has affected his faith. “Faith has taught me to care about more than the wins and losses. It is about the experience along the way. Soccer has taught me that faith is not only within yourself, but it is also shared with those
around you,” Karnish said.
Regarding soccer, Karnish stated, “I love that it is truly a team game. You have to play with 1 men at all times for 90 minutes; there are no real breaks and you constantly have to be thinking on your toes.”
Karnish recalled making it to Nationals his freshman year as a favorite memory. A recent favorite memory was scoring his first collegiate goal against Sioux Falls just this year.
Because this is his last year, Karnish faces the bittersweet ending of his soccer career. He said he will miss two things about soccer: “One, the people you play with. It is hard to replace that bond you create with a team. Two, just enjoying something that I love so much on a daily basis. Soccer has been a part of my life for so long that it will be hard to adjust without it.”
When not running up and down the field, Karnish watches sporting events and hangs out with his friends. Also, he mentioned with a big smile, “I enjoy planning my wedding with my fiancée.” Karnish recently got engaged to fellow NW senior Jennie Poush.
Karnish leaves his fellow athletes with a little advice. “The biggest thing I would say to someone is to have patience, and most of all have faith in yourself and your abilities. Hardships will come often, but the way you face them truly tells what type of person and player you are.”
Upon completion of his Sports Management degree at NW, Karnish hopes to work for anything having to do with sports. He ultimately hopes to be a general manager of a professional team or an athletic director at any level.
Ben Karnish has been running up and down the soccer field ever since he was four years old. He has been playing the game for so long that it will be a big adjustment to not play soccer once he finishes out his last year at Northwestern.