In the Terminator movie series, machines take over the world and nearly exterminate humanity. They are led by Skynet, a computer program…
Brett Meyer
Mel Gibson, main character of the new thriller, Edge of Darkness. Mel Gibson is once again starring in a movie, something that…
If Apple’s recent announcements are any indication, technology continues to expand at an incredible rate. Every year new methods of communication are…
“As my time in Spain draws to a close, I’ve found myself needing to make sense of everything that I’ve experienced. It’s…
It’s been about two months since I started studying in Seville, Spain. By now, I’ve gotten used to the city and can…
Life in another country is, as you would expect, different from living in the U.S. While there is the obvious language barrier,…
Among the many cultural differences that I have noticed during my time in Spain, the one that I find most interesting is…
There’s an old joke involving two guys. It starts out with one asking the other, ¨What do you call a person who…