On Feb. 24, 1967, the Beacon published an article that voiced student opinions on what they would change on campus. While some things within the opinions of the student body have changed, many topics are still considered to be far from perfect.
“Casual Collegiate Comments”
by Kaye Van Dyken
One of our most cherished freedoms is the freedom of the press. Our freedom of speech is applied this way. This column’s purpose is to give students of NW the opportunity to express their opinions openly.
I asked each of the following nine students the question: ‘”If you could change NW, what would you change?”
Judy Vander Ploeg-Jr. ‘They should make some changes regarding the dining hall. I think that meal tickets would be a good idea. That way you wouldn’t pay for meals that you didn’t eat.’
Mark Dunlop-Sr. “I think that we should have cardrooms or something for that purpose. They should improve the recreational facilities in the Union. We could use better pool tables, etc.”
Bette Van Eps-Fr. “We should have dances. The girls’ hours should be changed, or else the freshman boys should have hours too.”
Gary Edwards-Sr. “We leave too much up to the Student Senate. Kids lose interest in things, because the Student Senate does everything. I’d like to see a lot of kids working instead of just the Student Senate. The Senate is a crutch for the student body. We all need to become more involved in things on campus.”
Mary Lynn Sikkema-Soph. “I suggest that they put underground tunnels from Heemstra to Colenbrander Hall. It is so cold in the winter, besides, the other colleges have them too.”
Greg Foreman-Jr. “I think that anyone who writes in the paper (Beacon) should sign their name. If they want to complain they should have what it takes to sign their own name and not just initials — there are too many kids on campus for that. I want to know who wrote the article after I’ve read it. Also, people should be able to defend themselves if they have been attacked in the paper, we need more debate on this campus.”
Norm Wolfe-Soph. “I’d definitely change the meals. Possibly preplanning with the taste of college students in mind should be considered. One good thing is variety; we don’t have the same thing everyday. It’s what makes up the variety that is the bad part. The entire program needs a change since it lacks organization.”
Judy Yeh-Soph. ‘”Get a better stereo and stereo records for the Music Appreciation class. You can’t call it Music Appreciation with that record player and those records.’
Dan Smith-Sr. “The college doesn’t need to change; it’s the students. Keep the college, but change the kid’s attitude. I’m tired of being negative-it’s time someone thought of things in a positive manner. There are a few things wrong with NW, but there are a lot more things right with Northwestern.”
In Feb. of 2025, 11 students were asked the same question asked in 1967; “If you could change NW, what would you change?” Here is what the current students of NW had to say.
Sophia Fischer-Jr. “I think I would make NW more student-led. For example, have students organize and run chapel on Fridays. It is something my other university did that I miss here at NW.”
Mia Kellenberger-Fr.- “I would change the Hub menu to switch it up every once in a while.”
Rhea Cutler-Fr. “The prices at the C-Store and Common Grounds are too high and drain our accounts too fast. But also, why can you not use a meal swipe to get food there just like the Hub? The thing people have extra of is meal swipes, and there should be more places to use them, especially during the cold winter days, when some students do not want to make the trip to the Caf or Hub because of how cold it is.”
Rose Hoogers-Sr. “I would make community service a way to earn chapel credits. I do think there is value in listening to speakers, but I think a certain number of credits optionally earned through volunteer work would be an impactful way to worship.”
David Grandel-Soph. “A student center building. The RSC is really just for athletes.”
Thomas Vance-Jr. “I’d like to see more dorm vs. dorm stuff.”
Jessica McCubbins-Sr.- “I would like it if we could use our flex money in the bookstore.”
Mackenzie Russel-Jr. “One thing that would be cool is if they had reusable cups we could buy and use at Common Grounds–and then we could get a discount on drinks if we use them. Also, if we could get our money back for all the meal swipes we do not use, or if there could be a smaller meal plan, that’d be great.”
Simon Maggert-Jr.- “Make it affordable for kids in 2025.”
Timothy Giacobbe-Fr.- “The Caf- I would add a lot more tables and better food. And I would add elevators to the dorms. And also give air conditioning to the places that need AC.”
Alexia Hanson-Fr. “I would change the expectations that everyone has the same faith background. One thing I love about NW is that everyone has different religious backgrounds, comes from different denominations, and knows different things about the Bible and faith. I sometimes feel tension about people not knowing certain things about the faith, and I would love to have a larger culture of everyone being curious about other’s beliefs and asking questions about what they don’t understand yet.”