Lately the Iowa Snapchat story has been flooded with presidential candidates, and, on Monday Feb. 1, recently there was a featured Iowa…
Northwestern College has seen many changes over the years. Buildings have been added and removed, chapel has been reduced, and warm cookie…
On Feb. 10, the Day of Learning in Community, Dr. Sara Tolsma will hold a session on genetic testing. Those who have…
The Northwestern International Club, or I-Club, is putting on their annual Ethnic Fair early this year. The event is normally held near…
For the first time in RUSH history, NW will host a choreographer from Dordt. Brittney Ryks is a junior at Dordt majoring…
At the end of October, the Northwestern Public Relations department unveiled a brand new layout for the NW website. Plans for this…
The amount of praise music and preaching in the DeWitt Physical Fitness Center on Friday, December 4 will be at high levels…
It might not seem like there’s a whole lot to do in small town Iowa. But by the fall of 2016, Northwestern…
As in the past, the International Club will be hosting their annual Coffee House event. This event will be 7:30-9 p.m. tonight…
Northwestern equips students to go out and achieve their goals. Some graduates get on the right track to their dreams more quickly…