The residents of Heemstra are turning students’ trash into treasure—and supporting a local ministry in the process. Fittingly hosted in the Heemstra…
Spring break is on its way: Students prepare for service, singing, sports and more
by Linden Figgie February 26, 2010As students anticipate family trips to sunny beaches, warm weather and relaxation, many Northwestern students are preparing for a different kind of getaway; one of cultural experience, spiritual service and further education.
From a song inspired by Columbus’ exploration of the New World to a song honoring Paris, the capital of France, the Symphonic…
“Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” in chapel. Professors replacing sweater vests and pleated pants with “Star Wars” costumes. These are just a few of the ways the campus has already gotten involved in the Day of Learning.
With a biometric passport in hand, a traveler was approved and slipped through a self-serve passport machine. A supposedly matched picture flitted…
Epic prizes and “elderly” participants: It’s time for Bingo Night!
by Shelby Vander Molen February 19, 2010Dressing up for Bingo Night is almost as fun as winning the prizes, as seen by 2nd West Coly’s “elderly” participants. A…
What do a trip to Disney World, a Wii Fit Plus, a Brett Favre jersey, a Flip video camera, a handmade queen-sized quilt and Casting Crowns tickets have in common? They are all going to be auctioned off at the Northwestern College Alumni Association’s 27th annual Gala Auction Saturday, Feb. 20, at 6 p.m.
Tragedy precludes competition: World’s fastest luge track proves fatal
by Linden Figgie February 19, 2010No one ever thought defeat could come before the race even started. For Nodar Kumaritashvili of Georgia it came the day prior,…
Durham’s new film hits Orange City: Movie follows Iowan basketball team
by LeAnn Johnson February 19, 2010“Winning Favor,” a movie directed by Jamey Durham, Northwestern’s assistant professor of communications, will premiere on Friday, Feb. 19, at 8 and…
For the season of Lent, SGA and Terra Nova, Northwestern’s ecology club, are co-sponsoring a student-led initiative called ConServe.