As the month of February commemorates the plight of African Americans in their struggle to obtain civil freedoms, and more importantly, equality,…
The nineteen members of Northwestern’s jazz band have been busily preparing for their upcoming performance. The concert, scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 13,…
Most people can look back on their childhoods and remember how they would watch their favorite fairy tales and princess movies with…
Northwestern’s computer programming team traded this brutally cold Iowa weather for a week in the equally cold city of Harbin, China, as part of the Association for Computing Machinery International Collegiate Programming Contest world finals. The team competed Feb. 1-6 and received an honorable mention.
As numbers fly in, nothing breaks glass quite like President Barack Obama’s most recent $3.8 billion budget plan for 2011, which tops…
At its Feb. 1 meeting, SGA members discussed a few topics of importance to the student body. The first item on the…
Northwestern manages to incorporate dancing into many aspects of campus life. Whether it’s the West Hall Dance Party, Lamrof, RUSH or even…
Last November, Northwestern’s administration announced that based on the budget projection for the 2010-11 school year, NW will have a $3 million revenue shortfall. To prevent such a deficit from occurring, budget cuts—including faculty and staff lay-offs and program eliminations—will be enforced during the next fiscal year starting July 1, 2010.
Looking for love just got a little easier at Northwestern. If you are anxious about finding that ring by spring, you might try looking for that special someone at this year’s Speed Dating event, hosted by the SAC. On Saturday, Jan. 30, at 9:30 p.m., students are encouraged to come to the Hub and have some fun meeting new people.
As the earthquake rolled through Haiti it damaged many things, but in the midst of it all, the devastation managed to strengthen Orange City’s community as well as Northwestern’s.