Two roommates clean their room in preparation for their parents coming to campus. This weekend, families from all over will gather on…
Heemstra Hall can no longer be used as a residence hall after the ’09-’10 school year ends. A new suite-style residence hall…
The first senior art show of the semester will begin Oct. 12 and run until Oct. 23.
Choreographer Christine Roy teaches her dancers the moves for her dance. More than 200 Northwestern students will put on their dancing shoes…
Chapel speaker Dolphus Weary to address how grace is greater than race
by Elizabeth Lawrensen October 9, 2009Racial reconciliation leader Dolphus Weary will be speaking in chapel Monday, Oct. 26, and Tuesday, Oct. 27.
A 24-panel exhibit by cartoonist Bob Hall will be on display in the Te Paske Art Gallery Oct. 29 through Nov. 24.…
Shere Khan, played by Becca Dix, and Raksha, played by Abby Bierly, exchang heated words during “Jungle Book Tales.” The theatre department…
Northwestern will welcome back old traditions and celebrate a few new ones during the homecoming festivities this weekend. Sporting Events Friday night…
Northwestern will witness its first Battle of the Bands on Friday, Oct. 2, at 9 p.m. in the RSC mini-gym. Student activities…
The SGA approved a rules proposal for the new Borrow-a-Bike program and discussed other important topics at its meeting on Monday, Sept. 28.