“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:10 will urge Christians…
The first Lilly Grant sponsored forum will be held on Thursday, Nov. 6, in Christ Chapel. This forum will be an interactive…
Northwestern President Bruce Murphy has initiated the formation of the new Library Program Task Force. The task force will develop an architectural…
Justin Majawa will speak in chapel next Friday, Oct. 17, about Saving Orphans Ministries. SOM, based in Malawi, Africa, has a mission…
Northwestern’s Assistant Professor of Biology Laura Furlong returned Saturday from a week-long teaching experience at the Creation Care Studies Program in Belize.…
The theme of Northwestern’s 2003 Homecoming, Building on Tradition, may seem appropriate for the college as it expands by building new facilities.…
Dr. Timothy Brown, professor of preaching and director of church relations at Western Theological Seminary, will be on campus Oct. 6-8 to…
President Bruce Murphy issued a statement yesterday publicizing Dr. Karen Cianci’s resignation from her office as Vice President for Academic Affairs at…
Indoor track finishes season strong; ladies 4x800M relay team finishes 7th at nationals
by Katie Ewing March 19, 2003Despite the recent snowfall, the track team is ready and raring to tackle the outdoor season. After finishing the indoor season during…
Trygve Johnson, former chaplain at Northwestern, has been appointed Dean of the Chapel at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. Like NW, Hope…