One of the highlights of a lot of people’s mornings is going to the Caf and ordering eggs at breakfast.
Every morning at the Caf, I have heard plenty of people tell Diane how much they look forward to their egg breakfast.
But one thing that has really come to my attention this year is the lack of respect that people seem to have when ordering eggs.
Are the people ordering being rude to Diane? Maybe not in word, but in action, I would say yes.
In the very next line over, there are scrambled eggs that can be scooped onto your plate and eaten. Arguably, the dehydrated egg mix from the Breakfast Line does not taste as good as fresh eggs from the Grill Line. But there are still unwritten rules about proper etiquette when ordering eggs.
Normally, Diane can scoop two eggs onto her spatula to put onto a plate to serve. Therefore, I would argue that the proper number of eggs to order at breakfast is two.
I bring this up because, a few weeks ago, I went to the Caf for breakfast just after 7:45 a.m. to avoid the rush of students with 7:45 classes. At this time, the Caf was already out of eggs to order for breakfast.
While this was a bummer, it also made sense when I reflected on some recent egg orders I heard placed other mornings.
Four eggs over easy. Five easy. Six scrambled eggs. Five egg whites and two whole eggs.
It’s almost as though no one wants to be outdone and wants to see who can order the largest and most outrageous combination of eggs.
Eating half a carton of eggs for breakfast is not going to turn you into Gaston. It is providing unnecessary work for Diane.
And don’t even try to claim you work hard and need it because over half the people ordering these eggs are the people who drive to class on our one-block campus.
Another reason I bring this up is because I have friends with health issues that are unable to eat the eggs from the Breakfast Line and can only have eggs for breakfast if they can order fresh eggs that don’t have dairy.
After witnessing someone order six scrambled eggs one morning, then walk over and order yogurt, it became apparent that these people are not thinking of their neighbors.
First off, we’ve already discussed how half a dozen eggs is a ridiculous number of eggs to order. But secondly, why are you asking Diane to scramble eggs that you could have gotten from the other line already prepared?
Scrambled eggs, egg whites, or anything that is adding to Diane’s already crazy workload as she tries to feed entire teams coming from morning practice is selfish.
She also can’t serve as many people at a time this way, since the grill becomes half taken over by one person’s order. This causes the line to back up, people to have to wait longer, and it could have all been resolved if the Gaston-Wannabes had simply eaten the Breakfast Line eggs instead.
What upsets me the most about this are those that I don’t feel have the motivation to actually make these orders themselves.
These are people merely abusing Diane’s kindness and servant heart as they try to see how many eggs they can get away with ordering at one time.
If you feel like you need more than two or three eggs, go up multiple times. Don’t be a glutton. Think of your food-sensitive neighbor. Don’t take advantage of Diane. Or make your own breakfast in your dorm. Stop the ridiculousness.