Everyone needs an occasional study break at this point in the semester. For some, this may be a movie night with friends, a walk downtown to go through the crunchy leaves or a game of gennis. For others, this may be going to check out the “Iowa Watercolor Society (IWS) Show.” This is an art exhibit that is currently on display on the main level of the DeWitt Library (LC). It went on display on Tuesday, Oct. 1, and will stay up through Thursday, Oct. 31.
The IWS, as the Orange City Arts Council said on OrangeCityArts.org, was, “Organized in 1977 by a small group of enthusiastic watercolorists. IWS now celebrates well over 150 members and offers the opportunity for interested painters to network with artists statewide.”
The IWS show did just that, it offered the opportunity for artists to showcase the work they spend hours on. The exhibit brought in many people, including Northwestern students, faculty and staff, as well as Orange City locals, as the exhibit was open to the public.
One NW student who enjoyed visiting the exhibit is sophomore Anna Frangenberg. Frangenberg said, “The paintings were really, really pretty. It was interesting to see how the watercolor paint was used in different ways other than wash. Many of them were very detailed, and that’s something people don’t always think about when they think of watercolor.” There was one painting that stood out to Frangenberg. She said, “The very first painting you see when you go in is of people walking along the street right after it rained, so the cobblestone street is glistening. You can tell by the detailing that it is supposed to look like it just rained.”
Another student who had positive comments to say about the exhibit is sophomore Maddy Warning. Warning said, “All of the paintings were beautiful. As I studied each painting, I noticed how much work went into them. It was a nice break from all of my stressful studies, and I would recommend anyone else who is looking for a break to do it, too.”
Another fun event that the IWS puts on that college students might find interesting is the Watercolor Workshop. This workshop happens in the fall and in the spring every year. The dates are different from year to year. At this workshop, watercolor artist Betty Carr, an “American Impressionist Society Master” (AISM) gives classes on different techniques that are used to create floral, landscape and architecture watercolor paintings.
To learn more about the IWS and other events the Orange City Arts Council puts on, visit Orange City Arts.org. Or better yet, grab a friend and check out the exhibit in the LC before Oct. 31.

Visit the Iowa Watercolor Society Show for a quick study break.