Freshman Amy Estherville shows her male roommate to his room.
The results from a recent campus review by Residence Life have been released, and it looks as if the recent trend of having guys live in girl dorms is here to stay. What’s more, it also appears that Residence Life may try to integrate guy wings into Fern and Hospers, too.
Rebabka Awesome, Resident Dictator of Stegenga Hall, says having guys in her female dorm went over surprisingly well with her girls, particularly those living on First North.
“I don’t actually mind the guys living in Steggy,” said Pam Pluggednose, a sophomore living on First North. “The man stench that wafts into our hallway reminds me of my two younger brothers. The B.O., stinky feet and sheer uncleanly smell…it’s just like home!”
Freshman Destiny Desperado doesn’t mind the guys either—but for a completely different reason.
“I was concerned when I came to Northwestern because I’d heard about the terrible 12:1 girl-to-guy ratio,” Desperado said. “But having guys living on the same floor as me, in my opinion, drastically increases my chance of having a ring by spring next year!”
Awesome, though originally concerned about her girls sharing a dorm with males, believes it’s been a good way to integrate faith and learning into the living situation.
“You know, I hate it when people take the Bible out of context. But 1 Corinthians 11:11 clearly says, ‘In the Lord, however, woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman,’” Awesome said. “We believe that to truly live out the Bible, this verse should be applied to male and female dorms, as well.”
Awesome hopes this biblical trend remains and continues to grow. “Residence Life is thinking about merging guys and girls into the same wing next year,” she said. “We’ll just test it out for a semester and see how it goes. Who knows, maybe in a couple of years we’ll be pairing up freshmen guys with freshmen girl roommates?”
In an interview with a Bee Can reporter, Curried Meth, Resident Dictator of West Hall, was asked how well he thought this semester went in regards to making the Sweggy guys feel included and integrated into West Hall.
“There are guys living in Steggy?” he replied, appalled. “I’m their RD!?” Residence Life is looking further into how this oversight occurred.