After spending this last year as an RD at Malone University in Ohio, Anderson felt compelled to expand his horizons to Orange City.
“I’m living the dream!” Anderson said. “Much of my time is spent hanging out, talking, playing games and watching sports with college students. It’s an incredible job.”
Anderson describes “living life with 180 dudes” to be both a “sweet adventure” and a concern.
“I’m really excited to get to know them,” he said, “but there are a lot of guys in Coly, so unfortunately I will not get to know some of the guys as well as I would like.”
Anderson carries the responsibility of serving as a leader, friend and support system to Coly residents. Though this sounds overwhelming, Anderson sees this task as an opportunity for growth, friendship and community.
“I really hope the men of Coly experience a true community and learn to love each other well during their time in the hall,” he said.
A strong believer in forming relationships and community, Anderson also values simple old-fashioned fun. As demonstrated by his interests in sports, backpacking, fishing, hunting, hiking and water skiing, he defines having fun to be his “first and foremost” goal as the RD.
With the combination of Anderson’s philosophy of fun and hundreds of college men in one place, havoc seems inevitable. Although students have only been here a month, Anderson has already joined a group of guys frantically swinging tennis rackets to get a bat out of a dorm room while “shamelessly screaming like fourth grade girls.”
The bat incident only raises more questions as to what could possibly come next, but who can find an answer to endless possibilities?
NW will just have to wait and see what’s in store in Colenbrander Hall.
As Anderson said, “This is college! Make some great memories!”