This past Sunday night, February 18 Northwestern students were invited to a longstanding annual event, Pancakes with President Greg Christy. It was a great time full of delicious food, fun games and an exciting contest. Due to it being a Red101 event there were even more people on campus to enjoy the pancakes.
With the event starting right after Praise and Worship ended, lines were out the door and full of people excited to eat pancakes. After scanning in for the meal, students were able to enter into a raffle full of exciting door prizes which contained a wide plethora of choices. Then after waiting in line for a little bit people were able to get a couple pancakes and some syrup and hang out. With options for gluten-free and gluten pancakes they were sure that everyone who wanted to would get a chance to eat some pancakes.
With so many people lined up pancakes were served past the initial 10:30 p.m. cutoff. The pancakes were light and fluffy and when doused in syrup they were very delicious. After finally eating their pancakes, people were able to partake in a variety of events that were set up around the cafeteria. They had lots of different video games for people to compete in, including Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Brothers Brawl, Just Dance and even Guitar Hero. There was something for everyone, and even if you did not want to play video games there were board games spread across all of the tables. And if none of this interested you, you could just partake in conversations with any of the many people there also enjoying their pancakes. With so many people there, it was hard not to find someone to talk to. Mario Kart and Super Smash Brothers brought out the competitive side in all who were playing, and Just Dance was there so people could just have some fun.
We cannot talk about pancakes with PGC without bringing up the main event of the night: the annual pancake eating contest. In the contest challengers were able to test their chances against the reigning champion of the pancake eating contest, President Christy himself. It seemed like a hard fought battle between all the competitors, but as a surprise to no one, PGC was able to continue his historic reign as the pancake eating champion. He continued his domination of the event and will likely hold onto the championship forever.
Overall it was another successful year for Pancakes with PGC as everyone was able to enjoy the pancakes that were cooked to perfection. SAC continues to help run events that are a blast to be at.