Physics professor Frank Bentrem
As he moves from the front lines of physics research at the Naval Research Lab to the halls of VPH, Prof. Frank Bentrem is excited for this change in scene. But this change has affected more than just his career. Bentrem and his wife Amelia, parents of five-year-old Abby and one-year-old Caleb, moved from Mississippi, but even through changes of location, the family still anticipates the most exciting change to come: a baby girl coming in January.
What prompted a transition from years of researching underwater acoustics, developing naval sonar systems, and performing simulations for polymer physics? Bentrem says that he had always considered teaching as an option, but not seriously until November of last year.
His research group began moving toward a focus in software engineering while NWC began advertising the position of physics professor. Thus, less than a year later, Bentrem is starting his first official teaching position.
Having grown up homeschooled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, completing an undergrad at Bob Jones University in South Carolina, and finally graduate studies at University of Southern Mississippi, Bentrem is excited for this new world of academia.
With a background in research, he feels his practical experience will help him in the classroom. Teaching two physics courses and the lab counterparts, Bentrem remembers taking his first physics course during his college years and enjoys teaching these concepts firsthand.
“With research, I can be stuck on a problem for days or weeks, and it can be discouraging,” says Bentrem. “Teaching makes me feel as though I am contributing every day.” In the future, Bentrem hopes to see more students signed up for a physics minor and excited about the program.