- Neth and her teammates enjoy playing practical jokes. Here, she displays pictures of her fellow senior basketball teammates Allison Hulst and Becca Hurley.
Kristin Neth has been playing basketball since she was in fifth grade. “The first year I played, I was awful and super clumsy. I just loved it. I practiced all the time in the summer and got good.”
Despite a rough start, basketball has become a huge part of her life. “It was a big part of my decision [to come to Northwestern] because I wanted to play basketball, but it wasn’t the full reason because there were a lot of schools in the GPAC that were recruiting me. I had a full ride to go to Mount Marty, but I wanted to come to NW because it had more of the authentic Christian aspect, and it wasn’t just a title of the school.”
Neth will be graduating in the spring with a degree in Exercise Science. “I originally started going for Physical Therapy, but decided I wasn’t as passionate about it.” After switching to an Exercise Science major, Neth discovered a field within it known as Wellness Coaching.
“My sophomore year, I became a D-group leader and became really passionate about discipling women. I’m really excited to be able to sit down with people who are really struggling with something and helping them find that deeper wellness. I want to be able to partner with women and disciple them.”
In her time at NW, Neth has learned to be accepting of God’s plan and leaving the control up to Him. “Basketball is something that I hope God will use to refine me. I’ve learned a lot through basketball. The biggest thing I’ve learned is how to work my butt off and give up control and just trust God in His plans. His plan is beautiful, and I need to trust that and not make my own plans. There’s only so much you can control.”
Neth leaves NW with this piece of advice: “Matthew 6:33, ‘Seek first His Kingdom.’” This verse is also the team’s theme for the year. “No matter what you do, no matter what you spend your time doing, make sure to keep your focus on what’s important and that’s seeking Him first. We struggle to find life in the things that aren’t going to give us life, when Christ is really going to give us life and enjoyment in all those other things.”
After graduating in May, Neth is scheduled to exchange vows with Tyler Tigges, former NW student, on May 29th. They plan to do a ministry trip together to Israel with Athletes in Action for their honeymoon. Neth also plans to take a wellness class and get certified in Wellness Coaching while starting her life with her new husband.