Over the past two weeks, SGA has been busy with numerous committees and items both inside and outside of its meetings.
Large discussion was brought forth regarding funding for solar panels on campus with the ConServe funds raised from last year. Two students on campus worked with New Vision during a mission experience last year and presented their plan to the committee.
The students were requesting full funding from SGA for these solar panels, which are projected to cost $4,800. Although SGA does want to support the project, they are hesitant about putting the full amount up front, as they would like to see a stronger structure to support the panels. SGA is committed to supporting a large portion of the project; however, they did not approve full funding of the project.
Also discussed was having ConServe again this year to help support more green initiatives throughout campus, probably over Lent. Current steps to bring this project to implementation include finding out the three-month average for energy this school year.
SGA also moved forward with the process of placing a viewing television in the cafeteria. With the student population in favor of a TV (359 of the 593 respondents), SGA has written a formal proposal requesting a television in the cafeteria, to be presented to administration. A $900 cap has been placed for the TV, if it is approved.
Finally, reports were given on committees meeting outside of SGA. One of these included the Campus Life Committee, which discussed the Internet filter on campus. Currently four categories of websites are blocked per campus policy. Peer-to-peer sites such as Limewire are also blocked due to a federal mandate.