The highly anticipated “Extreme Makeover: Cafe Edition” took place over the summer.
Many students are pleased with the final product.
“It is more aesthetically pleasing,” said senior Rachel Kosakowski.
Sophomore Sara Vermeer agreed.
“It has a homier feel to it than the other Cafe did,” Vermeer said.
There have been some additions to the Cafe menu and changes in the way some of the food is made.
“We have a simple serving’s station which is allergy free food,” Chef BJ said. “It doesn’t have gluten, eggs or cheese. If you don’t need those accommodations there is another station that is serving the same food but with all the ingredients in it.”
The Cafe also has a new dessert bar.
“We now serve hot cookies every day for lunch instead of just on Wednesdays,” Chef BJ said.
The renovations and changes have evoked both positive and negative reactions from students.
“The food got better last semester and carried over to this year,” Kosakowski said.
A commonly mentioned downside about the Cafe is space.
“It took a lot of seating out,” Vermeer said.
Many students feel that the Cafe seems busier now.
“It is very ‘combumbled,’ and there are not as many defined directions,” said freshman Sarah Lardy.
With the new arrangement Cafe workers are busier.
“It gives the people who are working more to do,” said junior Natalie Church.
There has also been some discussion in the Cafe about whether or not students should be allowed to take food out of the Cafe.
“You can take a piece of fruit, and if you are finishing an ice cream cone on your way out we will let you leave with it. We just can’t let you take six apples up to your room,” Chef BJ said.
This rule seems fair to some students.
“One piece of fruit is enough. They used to not let us bring anything out,” said senior Aaron Jansen.
The pros and cons of the new Cafe will continue to be a topic of debate.
“I think when there is a change people are going to complain because it is something new they have to adjust to,” Kosakowski said.