Internships have always been highly encouraged for students. They provide experience in the field students hope to go into after college. For…
Vanderhill Cottage has been home to many, but its most recent occupants are some that moved after West Hall closed. As West…
“There isn’t an Internet problem,” said Harlan Jorgensen, Director of Computing Services. “The perception is that it’s an Internet problem.” Since the…
It’s no secret to campus that the Old Factory Coffee Shop has gone through some major changes since last year, but what…
The recent destruction of the grain elevators just southwest of the Rowenhorst Student Center have only heightened Northwestern coaches and student athletes’…
Do me a favor and rewind your memory back two Fridays ago. Stop the clock at 2 p.m. It was raining. (Well,…
Culture is defined by Webster as “the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time.” From a cultural…
The first few weeks of classes bring many emotions for new as well as returning college students. Seniors were invited to attend…
August was an interesting month for some residents of the Courtyard Village, better known as the plexes. Most recently, on the evening…
For the past four years, The Old Factory Coffee Shop has been a meeting place for Northwestern students and community members looking…