Maria Magdelena Church is a Reformed church located in Sioux Center, Iowa that offers a bilingual worship service for anyone who needs or wants to come. Many Northwestern students, staff and faculty are a part of this church in some way, making its ties to NW strong and deeply rooted.
On Feb. 8 from 10:00am – 11:00am at Maria Magdalena Reformed Church, a diaper drive will be taking place. Families and community members can volunteer to help with this drive and will give out around 25-30 diapers to each child that comes in need.
The inspiration for this event lies in the needs of the Sioux Center area where there are a lot of families who are having a tough time being able to afford enough diapers for their children. The parents may not be able to change their child’s diaper as often as they should, causing various health concerns for the child. This is a concerning problem that Maria Magdelena hopes to help solve.
What can anyone in the community do about this? In conversations with Sarah Hummel, she shared that the church could use any and all infant diaper sizes along with sizes 5, 6 and 7. They are less likely to receive the bigger sizes from people because they are more expensive, making generosity with those harder-to-get sizes greatly appreciated. If you would like to help with supplying this diaper drive, it is important to remember that there are never too many diapers, and there will always be a child in need of them.
In the future, Maria Magdalena Church hopes that their drive can join the Diaper Bank Network in order to get endorsements from companies such as Huggies and Pampers. This would enable them to have a consistent supply of diapers for the struggling families in the community. Hummel also said, “Already in 2025 we are serving over 70 families with over 110 children. There are many more who are in need that we cannot supply diapers.” Maria Magdalena Church’s Diaper Drive hopes to become larger to help more families and be a blessing in their lives. Consider donating to the diaper drive and helping out a struggling family.