Do not miss the opportunity to see the current exhibit at Korver Visual Art Center where three talented Northwestern art faculty members are displaying various pieces of their work. The show demonstrates the wide diversity of media used by these artists creating an interesting variety of works in the exhibit.
Professor Phil Scorza’s unique style of art can make the viewer feel a sense of nostalgia. Every artist needs to find his own unique style that allows him to flourish as an artist. Scorza stated that it took him years of experiments, changing media and failure to find his style of art. His art tends to utilize people and subjects outside of his own experience and often includes found photos and imagery.
“I use both original and found imagery when creating these nostalgic pieces. The found imagery are appropriate photos, in that some are found in the garbage, some found online at auctions, flea markets or even family photos,” Scorza said.
Professor Meghan Charbonneau started a tradition back in 2009 to paint a new self-portrait every year. For this exhibit she has decided to put her last six self-portraits to be viewed by the public. She mentioned that she enjoys being able to see how she has changed through the years both as a person and an artist. Charbonneau tends to utilize two-dimensional art but her primary focus tends to be painting.
“I have always been particularly captivated by depictions of the human form. I am drawn in by the fragility, complexity and beauty of both the physical forms and inner feelings that are captured on a two-dimensional surface,” Charbonneau said.
Professor Amy Williams, new to NW, has multiple pieces in the show. Her pieces vary in size with some hanging from the ceiling and others being small enough to pick up. At the public reception, Williams talked about her inspiration coming from both organic and inorganic subjects.
“Currently, my work is informed by an examination of natural objects and environments in both macro and micro contexts. Whether microscopic images of lichen or topographical maps of sites, close observations of elements within a system often serve as generative points of departure within my practice,” Williams said.
Williams also stated that, in her view, art is not something that should be made and then placed in a display case but can be an ever-evolving process. One of her pieces in the show is something that she adds to every day by coming in to spray her piece composed partly of wire to make the wire further rust while growing the salt crystals hanging from the wire.
Although art faculty exhibits do not happen every year, it is always interesting to go view what pieces are being displayed. The wide variety of style, media and size that can be found within the show makes for a unique experience and allows viewers to get a glimpse of the world through the eyes of the artist.