Every 365 (and one quarter) days, thousands of gyms receive new subscriptions on January first. This is the hilarious reality of New Year’s resolutions. In my very humble opinion, New Year’s resolutions are massively overrated. First of all, why are you now so motivated to go the gym, other than the fact that you completed one full revolution around the sun? Second of all, what are the odds of you actually sticking to said resolution? It takes 30 days or more to form a solid habit, and the chances of someone sticking to a new habit they have never done are bleak. I understand the concept of “New Year, new me,” but usually, before you have less than 360 days left, you are 360-ing back to your old ways. Besides, it gives people an excuse to indulge in their old ways in the days leading up to New Year’s. These days are what I call binge days: the days where one binges their bad habits beyond oblivion before they can—or rather, should—become a new person. Honestly, that tells me all I need to know how much people truly value New Year’s resolutions (and changing in general). I believe “New Year’s resolution” is a fancy way of showing how people are just creatures of habit. And I mean old habits.
Now I know what you are thinking. “Mia, why are you so cynical and pessimistic?” It is not just cynicism. It is a firsthand experience. I am sure anyone can relate, and I also will admit, I was not perfect either. That is why I stopped making New Year’s resolutions. Besides, why wait until a whole new year to change when you could, if you really wanted to, change whenever? Or even now? Self-motivation lies within oneself. You should not need to wait for a whole new year to change. The real reward comes with “now” not “later.” Speaking of which, when have you ever thought “Wow, I am so glad I waited to do my homework or chores or responsibilities in general?” Maybe you have on rare occasions, but for the most part, you probably wished you finished your responsibilities sooner rather than later. It is the same ordeal with change and habits. I mean, sure, resolutions could be rewarding, I guess, if you are a part of a population smaller than New York City who actually stick to them.
Let us be for real. The only thing changing in the new year is the number. That unused elliptical from over five years ago is still in your basement begging to be put out of its misery. If you want to get fit and exercise, just use that. Personally, I exercise just as much as a fish walks, so why would I suddenly decide to exercise now? I like to set realistic goals for myself (such as getting into Harvard), and I do not need a new year to do it.
This is just my opinion. I can see why another person might disagree. The new year is a great time to be motivated by a fresh start. People see the first day of a brand-new year with new motivation and new opportunity. But to me, it is just another day, another month, another year. I am not telling you to not make New Year’s resolutions; you do what your heart desires. I am simply stating my opinion. So many people have diminished the meaning behind New Year’s resolutions so much that the gym subscriptions people get might as well be free since they will give up before the next charge.