Karaoke Night has taken place on campus before, but it has not made an appearance in recent years. This year, the Student…
New majors are not added to Northwestern’s curriculum very often. Proposals need to be written, and classes have to be created. Then,…
I stood looking over the edge. The ocean seemed so far away. I caught my breath and tried to squelch the nervousness…
If you take a trip to Central America, you might complain about your stomach feeling uneasy for the first day, but during…
Northwestern’s Symphonic Band, directed by Professor Tim McGarvey, will feature a piece by composer James Syler in its upcoming concert. Syler is…
Throughout the past few weeks, a trend has emerged in the Cafe. It seems there are not enough forks. It is a…
This fall, there are no congressional candidates debating in Christ Chapel or Romney rallies in the gym. It is an off-year for…
With Halloween around the corner, jack-o’-lanterns and creepy decorations have made their annual appearance. Many students have wandered off campus to find…
As I prepared for Romania, I spent a lot of time thinking about my host family. I was excited to be immersed…
Last year, the Student Activities Council introduced Airband to the student body. The event proved to be popular among students and this…